Thursday 31 March 2011

Inside Page Production

In this one I have followed my basic structure of how I intended in my floor plan construction of the inside page. I have included the traditional expected features within a newspaper and specifically the inside page - such as the Weather (both nationally and locally).
This is a far more developed version, as I have included the main body of text for the inside page article. I decided to change the inside page article to my original front page image and headline. I felt the image of the gnomes in the snow was a striking image for the front cover and this image has more of a communal 'local' look which I can write in depth about and the audience can judge what they see in the image.

 This is the final design, I have included a weather section (a typical feature in local newspaper). The news stories are all finished and convey typical features in a local paper (micro politcs/ community spirit) etc.. Also the adverts and offers have been added - an important component of local newspapers.

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