Thursday 31 March 2011

Poster design

These are the selection of posters I created each with audience feedback.

This design incorporates many of the aspects needed in a poster for the newspaper. I have included the front pages and used the Spinnaker tower to form a visual text image. The text features all of the words I consider important in Local News. The feedback  on this one was postive, and the words on the Spinnaker were well received. However it was felt that the image of the newspapers took up too much room and the way they were transformed and displayed didn't suit the theme.

These two received some postive feedback, and were praised on the Graphical elements featured in the images. With the image of the statue making it striking and instantly recognisable. The elements that are missing however, is the human interest (photos etc) and the local newspaper look.
I have chosen this as my final poster, as it used all the elements necessary to create a poster for a local newspaper. The bold writing in black and red, contrasted with the light grey background, does resemble my front page in some respects. The image, which I used on the front page of my paper, has the elements of human interest, humour and feel good in it. I felt this portrayed my newspaper in a positive light.

Inside Page Production

In this one I have followed my basic structure of how I intended in my floor plan construction of the inside page. I have included the traditional expected features within a newspaper and specifically the inside page - such as the Weather (both nationally and locally).
This is a far more developed version, as I have included the main body of text for the inside page article. I decided to change the inside page article to my original front page image and headline. I felt the image of the gnomes in the snow was a striking image for the front cover and this image has more of a communal 'local' look which I can write in depth about and the audience can judge what they see in the image.

 This is the final design, I have included a weather section (a typical feature in local newspaper). The news stories are all finished and convey typical features in a local paper (micro politcs/ community spirit) etc.. Also the adverts and offers have been added - an important component of local newspapers.